Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Well, a couple gear upgrades...1 via AH 1 via Rep Reward has us at a nice tidy 10K mana and 16.8 HP. http://www.wowhead.com/?item=36999 - found these on the AH for 50G (cheep!) plus this http://www.wowhead.com/?item=44109 from the Frenzyheart Tribe in Sholozar Basin has us rocking!

With Xmas right around the corner, we are crazy busy with our kids and the Missus so we wont be updating much over the next 2 weeks.

GL and see you after the madness!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Grind continues...

Wow, the grind carries on. We are currently trying to raise enough gold for the 20K mammoth with the two-vendor two-seater option. Phew! Made 3K over the last week, grinding mats and doing quests at the same time.

Pets continue to come up to 80, Frostus(cat 80), Pepper (gorilla 80), Runeblazer (wolf 78 1/2 ) and RazorWing (WindSerpent 77)

Still searching for the Spirit Beast (but not too hard)

More updates later...

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Pet Update

Pet update as of Dec 3 2008.

1. Wolf - Runeblazer - hes half 76 and will get some work when I run some Heroics
2. Cat - Frostus (thanks to the Mrs for that name!) - hes almost 80 and is great!
3. Gorilla - Pepper - hes half 77 and always fun to take out just about anywhere!
4. Wasp - Wisp (yes thats the name not a typo) - hvaent used much but tamed anyway cause they are HUGE, the wasps dont seem to shrink as other pets do.
5. One empty slot for the Hydra (see post just below this one)


Phew! What a week! Had to do some moving and get some Xmas s***e going so havent played much. (Although I did find some time to start my DK and have him at 60 already ).

Targets over the next month or so include:

1. Run some Heroics, Im lvl 80 with 196 Hit (which is capped for 80 with 3/3 in Focused Fire)
2. Look into the Spirit of Atha which is a summoned mob for a lvl 80 daily.

Link - http://petopia.brashendeavors.net/html/mobs/mob_spiritofatha.html
A side note on this mob : I have tried a crocolisk once and wasnt really impressed
however, for a semi-transparent Hydra I may be willing to try. /smile

3. Grind out some more leather, I can sell stacks of Heavy Borean Leather for 400-450G per stack.
I figure 40 stacks should net me the 3-person Mammoth
Link - http://www.wowhead.com/?item=44234

I did one hour in Zul'drak and I got 3 Arctic Fur (which sell for 50-75G per), 1 1/2 stacks of Heavy Borean Leather, and enough grey trash to net me over 550G for one hour worth of work! OMG and I didnt even have out my Gorilla, just the Cat.

4. Help out some of my guildies who are just scratching the surface of Northrend.
5. Get to Storm Peaks, havent even entered the Zone yet LOL.

Well thats it for today, Ill try posting once more this week, but may not happen till Monday.

To my one reader, have a Great Weekend!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Level 80! Hit 80 on Saturday, not bad 15 days to go from 70 to 80.

Now its a matter of running Instances to get our gear upgraded.

Heroics here I come...