Targets over the next month or so include:
1. Run some Heroics, Im lvl 80 with 196 Hit (which is capped for 80 with 3/3 in Focused Fire)
2. Look into the Spirit of Atha which is a summoned mob for a lvl 80 daily.
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A side note on this mob : I have tried a crocolisk once and wasnt really impressed
however, for a semi-transparent Hydra I may be willing to try. /smile
3. Grind out some more leather, I can sell stacks of Heavy Borean Leather for 400-450G per stack.
I figure 40 stacks should net me the 3-person Mammoth
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I did one hour in Zul'drak and I got 3 Arctic Fur (which sell for 50-75G per), 1 1/2 stacks of Heavy Borean Leather, and enough grey trash to net me over 550G for one hour worth of work! OMG and I didnt even have out my Gorilla, just the Cat.
4. Help out some of my guildies who are just scratching the surface of Northrend.
5. Get to Storm Peaks, havent even entered the Zone yet LOL.
Well thats it for today, Ill try posting once more this week, but may not happen till Monday.
To my one reader, have a Great Weekend!
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