Thursday, November 20, 2008


With the new expansion, we Hunters are now (finally) able to have 5 stable slots which allows alot more flexibility in our choices for pets.

I currently have 4 slots filled with the following;

Ghost Saber (lvl 68, from Darkshore, found by hunting in Northern Darkshore in the Naga infested ruins) - Ferocity Pet
Chimera (lvl 70, Nuramoc, purple skin from Netherstorm - rare and tricky to catch) - Cunning Pet - requires 51 point BM Pet
Gorilla (lvl 75, Groddoc Thunderer from Feralas, the orange/orangutan skin was my fav and my main pet) - Tenacity Pet
Devilsaur (lvl 70, Tyrant Devilsaur from Un'goro Crater, same as gorilla love the red/orange skin) - Ferocity Pet - 51 point BM Pet

I did have the Green Core Hound but I dropped him in case I find something in Northrend (can you say Spirit Beast??) for that 5th slot.

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